Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Electric circuit Essay Example for Free

Electric circuit Essay Every time a charged atom hits the net it loses some of its charge, therefore the longer the wire the larger the chance of the charged electrons colliding with the net and losing some of their charge therefore increasing the resistance. Width of wire: The width of a wire will affect the resistance because the wider a wire the more space in the net for the charged electrons to get through without colliding with the net and therefore decreasing the resistance. It is like letting a lot of water out of a small hole; it would go slowly, whereas with a bigger hole it flows out faster. Temperature of wire: The temperature of the wire would affect the resistance because as the wire gets hotter the net begins to vibrate because they are given more energy; this therefore makes it harder for the charged electrons to get through the net without colliding with it and causing resistance. Therefore the higher the temperature the higher the resistance. Material of wire: The material of a wire would affect it resistance because different materials have different resistivity because the have different nets. Some of the nets may have smaller holes that others and this would increase the resistance because there would be a larger chance of the atoms colliding. Similarly some materials may have larger nets, which would mean that there would be a lesser chance of the atoms colliding. The variable that I am going to change is going to be the resistance because I think it will be the easiest to change with the apparatus I have available to me and I think it will give fair results. Research So far I have taken a lot of information from my G. C. S. E.textbook but some of my work has come from the Internet. I used many different search engines but the two main engines, which I used, were www. ask. com and www. google. com and here is some of the information, which I got by using these engines: Resistance alloy data Material Nominal Resistivity Microhm. cm Maximum Operating Temp i C Density g/cm3 Nominal Temp Coeffic. of Resistance. This information was very useful because the type of wire I am going to use is Nickel Chrome and it has a lot of information on it and it tells me its resistivity. Prediction I predict that as the length increases the resistance will also increase in proportion to it. I think this because the longer the wire the longer the net of atoms and therefore the larger the chance of the electrons colliding with the net and losing some of their charge. Therefore if the length is doubled the resistance should also double, because the length of the wire has doubled therefore the amount of atoms will have doubled so the amount of collisions should double. When I draw a graph it should hopefully show that the length is directly proportional to the resistance. The diagram below should show this more clearly: Apparatus Meter rule to measure out the length of the wire. 1-meter length of nickel chrome wire to test its resistivity. Ohmmeter to measure the resistance of the wire. Crocodile clips to connect the ohmmeter to the wire. Wires to connect the ohmmeter to the crocodile clips. Masking tape to stick the wire to the ruler. Preliminary Work I did some tests to see what distance I needed to space my readings at and this is what I got: Length (mm) Resistance (ohms) My preliminary results have shown that altering the length by 10mm is too little because the resistance gain is too uneven, but if I change the length by too much i. e. 500mm the gap is too large. Therefore I am going to take my results every 50mm. I also found that the wires connecting the ohmmeter to the wire had a resistance of 0. 3mm so I will have to To make it a fair test I need to make sure that I keep all of the other variables the same. I will use the same wire every time and in I will use it again in my repeat experiment, so that the width and material of the wire will remain the same. The temperature of the wire will be very hard to keep constant because each time an electron collides with the net its energy change from electrical to heat therefore every time the atoms collide with the electrons the wire will heat up. Hopefully this will not affect my experiment too much because I am only going up to a meter in length therefore it should not heat up too much. Diagram My apparatus will be set up like so: Method 1. First I will gather up all the needed apparatus and set it up as above. 2. Then making sure that one of the crocodile clips is on exactly 0mm and that the other is on exactly 100mm I would take a reading. 3. Before I record the reading I would make sure that the ohmmeter had come to a complete stop and was not flashing. 4. I would the repeat this every 50mm until my I got to 1000mm making sure that the first crocodile clip was always on 0mm. 5. Then I would repeat the whole experiment making sure that I used the same wires so that the width and material of the wire were kept constant. 6. Whilst repeating the experiment I would make sure that I did it in the same place as before because if I repeated it next to a radiator the resistance would go up. Results Length Of Wire (mm) Results 1 (Ohms) Results 2 (Ohms) Average (1dp) (Ohms). Explanation Of Results My first set of results has an anomalous result, which is circled on the first graph. This could be because I did not wait for the ohmmeter to settle and I took the reading too quickly. My second and average set of results are good with no anomalous results and they show a definite relation between the resistance and the length of the wir they show that as the length goes up so does the resistance. In my prediction said that if the length doubles so should the resistance and my first set of results show that at a length of 250mm the resistance was 5. 2W and at a length of 500mm the resistance was 10. 1W which is very close to my predicted answer. Conclusion I think that my experiment went quite well because all my graphs had straight lines showing a strong relationship between the length and the resistance. But I could have improved this method in a couple of ways. For example I should have used pointers instead of crocodile clips because they are far more accurate, this is because they have a far smaller tip than crocodile clips and they would give a more accurate measurement of the wire. Also pointers would not have compressed the wire like crocodile clips. Crocodile clips have a spring in the to keep them shut and this could have compressed the wire therefore increasing the resistance. I also should have been more careful about making sure the wire was taught when I took the readings because if it was loose it would have been a longer length that the one I thought I was reading. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Robotics in Education Essay -- Essays Papers

Robotics in Education Robotics plays a critical role in the development and maintenance of the world today. The industrial age of machinery has been transformed into an age of automation combining mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering into the research and development of robotics technology. Practically everything automated today relies upon a robot of sort; automobile engines, personal computers, space exploration, assembly lines, and mining, to name a few. But each robotics advancement has a purpose, not just to function in it’s programming, but also to serve as a step in a stairway of progress. Without something to improve upon, how can progress be made? Anyway it’s looked at, the technology-dependent world today relies on the advancement in robotics as technology controls so much of the world already. Robotics is a research-based field, seeded in education. Education consists of two main parts today: general education, and advanced education. General education includes the basics in math, science, history, language, etc. This form of education is usually learned by a person throughout their K-12 education, and into much of college as well. Advanced education is comprised of more specific field-relative information, and is worked on by upper-level and graduate-level college students. The vast majority of robotics researchers did not receive any engineering training until they reached college, as robotics fits into the advanced education category. But skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and basic engineering skills are not difficult to master and could in fact be incorporated into general education without a problem. These skills are not in the curriculum because most people have not needed... ...s knowledge. Information for the beginner is given throughout the book, but it is still useful for the advanced. Current projects and status’ of the world of robotics are explained in detail. A book intended to inform a research-type person of summed knowledge. Not much relevance to the teaching or learning of robotics as a method. - Baum, Dave. Dave Baum’s Definitive Guide to Lego Mindstorms. Emeryville, Calif. : New York : Apress, 2000. This e-book is a comprehensive overview of the LEGOÂ ® Mindstorms robotics set. Most of the book is used on explaining the various parts to the set. Included are ideas and reasoning behind specifics of the set related to childhood development. Projects and useful ways of using the blocks are listed. Also included is info on how the blocks help develop specific engineering-based skills at such a young age.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Gang Violence among Adolescents

Whenever I see young adolescents loitering or hanging out in streets, doing nothing worthwhile but trying to act tough while showing it to their friends or hurting other people, I feel nothing but regret. They should have been at school, learning things that could help them have a better job and future, or at home helping their family and having fun with them. They could do so much if only they make better use of their time and youth. Local governments are faced with the problems associated with gang violence among adolescents.Preventing adolescents from wasting their lives should be a matter of importance for communities, and this should be prioritized because adolescents can have a better future away from the streets. When crowds of young people gather, they may take a group identity. Other groups or even them, may identify themselves as gangs. Furthermore, cliques tend to identify the formation of a gang as a result of threats or conflicts, police pressure and media coverage.Accor ding to studies, gang behavior is â€Å"situational in nature,† and the attribution of hostile behavior to one gang may further contribute to the formation and identity of a gang. In addition, it may be further solidified once â€Å"neighbors, police, school authorities, and others identify unsupervised groups of young people as gangs† (Short, 1996, p. 3). Preventing young people from being associated with violent gangs have been one of the priorities of communities. Past studies showed that gang violence continue to plague communities as gang-related crimes increased over time.For instance, in 1995, it showed that gang-related homicides increased. From 1979 to 1994 alone, a record of 7,288 gang-related homicides was documented in Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The proportion of gang-related homicides increased from 18 to 43 percent (Maceo, 1995). These figures alone would tell how worse gang violence has become. Gang violence brings young people to jails. In fa ct, many adolescents have been charged for being involved in criminal activities.Just this year, a 15-year-old student was killed by a young man who was an alleged member of a violent street gang. The 18-year-old suspect, who pleaded guilty, was charged with 30 years in prison (Castaneda, 2009). This scenario should not be the kind of life that young people must have. Families should be the first ones involved as they are the primary influencing factors in the lives of adolescents. In the case mentioned above, the parents of the victim were completely unaware that their son was a member of a gang. They learned about it when it was too late to save their son.Parents should know the things that their children are being involved in, and must find ways to talk to their children about the consequences of joining gangs that tend to be violent. Parents should encourage their children to be involved in more worthwhile activities, such as sports, that would further develop their skills and i mprove their talents and make them better individuals. The community also has responsibilities in preventing the existence of violent gangs. There should be constant patrols especially in dark and derelict areas.It would be also beneficial if there are programs designed to lure young people away from the streets, such as volunteer works or business ventures that would teach adolescents the importance of working and being properly compensated for a good work done. Moreover, a center for young people can help those who are trying to get out of gangs and trying to change. Attention must be focused to those who want a way out because they might be harmed due to their willingness to have a better life. These young people should really have a good, fruitful life that a violent gang can never give them.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay on Contrasting Yeats’ Second Coming and Shelleys...

Contrasting Yeats’ Second Coming and Shelleys Ozymandias William Butler Yeats specialized in the early Modernists style of literature. Coming just out of the Late Victorian age, Yeats used strong literary and historic elements in literary form to evoke his symbolic message in The Second Coming. Through the use of his theme of the new Apocalypse, (lecture notes on Early 20th Century Modernism) he imagined the world was coming into a state of unsurity from the post-WWI Modernist experience. The war left people in a state of chaos, and although the war was meant to bring people a sense of hope for no more wars in the future, it did far more damage then good, especially in peoples minds. The time in the Modernist era was†¦show more content†¦Possibly due to the war efforts in WWI, people saw the destruction and the lack of progression it brought the world; a second coming of the rough beast†¦/slouching towards Bethlehem (Yeats, Longman p. 2329, ll. 21-22), or in other words slouching towards religion. I think this because ea rlier in his stanza, Yeats speaks about twenty centuries of stony sleep/ Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle (Yeats, Longman p. 2329: ll. 19-20), which leads me to think of the two thousand years religion had a grip on peoples lives, and then as the more Modern generation became more and more separated from religion by its rocking cradle, the rough beast took hold of the people and took the place of religions dominancy in society. Now, peoples ideas became separated from the Biblical interpretation of things, and instead took on a more personal outlook and interpretation of its own as to what the meaning of all these things (WWI) meant. Chaos then took place, and religion lost its stronghold for good. The centre [could]not hold the people in religion, the rough beast (chaos) became their dominant concern. This may be contrasted to Percy Bysshe Shelleys poem Ozymandias, continuing the theme of the loss of authority. The Sphinx figure of ancient Egypt is illustrated